Monday, May 18, 2009

More Artists!

Since changing my project Idea, I've been looking for comic artists. A few I had know of (i.e., I knew their name) but had never really cared or needed to look at their work. Now, I find that comics are as varied and diverse as many other aspects of art.

First up would have to be Will Eisner, a cartoonist most known for his work on "The Spirit", and the fact that an Eisner is a type of award that comics people can win (Thanks, Wikipedia!). This link leads to the gallery part of his site, which shows his work.

Next Up, Scott Kurtz, who is well known in Web Comics, and has actually won an Eisner for "Best Digital Comic". His work often deals with game or geek culture, making it a bit obtuse to those who are not "in" on the joke. However, his work has progressed nicely over time, and I'm glad I finally took the time to look at it.

Last is Barry Windsor Smith, who I came upon purely by accident. I figured I should look for someone who's been in the biz a while, but is still alive (Scott Kurtz hasn't been in it that long, Will Eisner is gone). This guy is cool.

So there we go. :)

Monday, May 4, 2009

I've Really Sick

"Down in bed resting from getting up to shower" type of sick.

"Not working on anything" kind of sick.


Thursday, April 23, 2009

New Artists For Thursday

These are two new artists I am looking at in relation to my project. Not because the sujcet matter is similar, but because the style and mode of narration is.

Anne Pätzke Is an Illustrator from Germany. I'm looking at her work to remind myself that sometimes the simplest way is the best.

I'm also checking out the work of Milivoj Ceran, because he is working in a similar style/medium as I am working with this project.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


The board and the tape didn't stick the first time I tried to stretch the paper. . .

So I weighed it down with the other boards. That'll teach it.

And this is how it ended up! All tacked down and ready to go.

Some composition sketches.

And more sketches.

I had two concepts for how to kill Odin, both taken from the literature. This one is the more interesting of the two (for me) and has Fenris swallowing Odin.

The other one is more heroic but less correct, by all accounts: Odin has been mauled and Odin's son Vidar runs Fenris through, killing him.

Some notes on how my rough composition ideas are going. Since I'm going to use watercolor and ink on paper, the composition has to be near exact and drawn out before I start actually painting, or else I could ruin the paper. At $25 a sheet, that'd be a damned expensive mistake.

Plans for tomorrow include a visit to the Museum for the first class and some serious drawing for painting class. My boards (at least one of them) will be transported to school on Friday.


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Out Sick, but Still Working

Story of my life, it seems. Well, I might as well mention that I'm taking some influences from the following artists for my project:
  • Van Eyck (His altarpiece Ghent something or other)

  • Bosch (The Garden of Earthly Delights)

  • Titian (Assumption of the Virgin)

  • Altdorfer (Mainly for his Battle of Issus)
And because I really should be looking to the contemporary too:

  • Giancola (for his Faramir at Osgiliath, Alexander the Great, and his Triptych of the Battle of Agincourt)

Also, I might be able to get some pictures up later of what I've done process-wise so far.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Testing, 1,2,3 . . .

Just making sure this thing is on. Working. Whatever.